Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Imperialism, Race and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Imperialism, Race and Development - Essay Example It is precisely for such reasons that a quick recognition of the positive qualities, the psychological fundamentals, among the poor themselves is mandatory for poverty alleviation in particular. Most of the dependency theory writers hold the opinion that the "same process that brought development to the homelands of capitalism and to North America and Australasia simultaneously brought underdevelopment to the rest of the colonized world, trapping previously autonomous societies in poverty that was self-perpetuating because any significant profits made in them was extracted by Western firms or rulers". (Frank, 1978) "Underdevelopment evolve an important feature of dependency theory with the proposition that the end of colonialism was apparent rather than real, "decolonisation" being really a transition to "neocolonialism," in which foreign capital continued to exploit the local population but with protection from a local client-state rather than from European officials. This analysis was built upon in left-wing critiques of U.S. government policy as well as of transnational corporations, which covers around 1500-1840, and elsewhere elaborated from the classic "dependency" argument in his own "world system" framework. This, however, envisaged some scope for upward economic mobility for underdeveloped countries and provided some recognition of a reality that was then becoming increasingly clear: that industrialisation was underway in formerly "underdeveloped" countries of East Asia in the 1960s to 1980s, while there had also been long-term growth of manufacturing in certain other parts of the thi rd world, most notably Brazil". (2006b) In other words, the problem was not only about poverty and underdevelopment, but also as some Caribbean economists admitted, it was all about governance and the instigated psychology of dependence. Ramesh writes, "as these researchers noted, Lewis' 'strategies for industrialisation' went beyond pure economic factors and in fact required that the population develop 'drive and appropriate attitudes'. But such 'drives', social motivations and attitudes can only find sustaining viability in an accommodating, enhancing environment. If not, even when they appear they did not blossom. The recent history of the social and political life of the Caribbean has been one of grand promises and broken expectations, of broken spirits always fighting to heal and console themselves over and over again. And the psychological consequences have been quite debilitating". (Ramesh, 2000, p. 4) When it comes to social and political life, it is true that "Power and poverty are two of the most dominant issues in social science. They seem to occupy opposite ends in the continuum of human life. In fact, power, especially the lack of it, is inextricably linked to the condition and experience of poverty. Hence, it is useful to have both a macro view of development and as well a micro view of the poverty experience. The struggle of poor people to gain

Monday, October 28, 2019

Two Variable Inequality Essay Example for Free

Two Variable Inequality Essay This week we are learning about two-variable inequalities as they pertain to algebraic expressions. The inequality can be graphed to show the values included in and excluded from a given range of numbers. Solving for inequalities such as these is a critical skill in many trades which can save or cost a company a lot of time and money. Ozark Furniture Company can obtain at most 3000 board feet of maple lumber for making its classic and modern maple rocking chairs. A classic maple rocker requires 15 board feet of maple, and a modern rocker requires 12 board feet of maple. Write an inequality that limits the possible number of maple rockers of each type that can be made, and graph the inequality in the first quadrant. First I must assign a variable to each type of rocker Ozark Furniture makes. Let c = the number of classic rockers Let m = the number of modern rockers It takes 15 board feet of lumber for each classic rocker so I will use 15c in my equation. Likewise, I will use 12m for the 12 board feet of lumber in the modern rocker. The maximum amount of lumber Ozark can obtain is 3000 board feet. Therefore, my equation will look like this: 15c + 12m ≠¤ 3000 If I call c the independent variable (on the horizontal axis) and m the dependent variable (graphed on the vertical axis) then I can graph the equation using the intercepts. The c-intercept is determined when m = 0: 15c ≠¤ 3000 c ≠¤ 200 The c-intercept is (200,0). The m-intercept is found when c = 0: 12m ≠¤ 3000 m ≠¤ 250 The m-intercept is (0, 250). Since this inequality is â€Å"less than or equal to†, the graphed line will be solid, sloping downward from left to right within the first quadrant of the graph. The shaded section will cover the area from the line towards the origin, stopping at the respective axes. Consider the point (50,100) on my graph. It is well inside the shaded area meaning that Ozark Furniture could easily fill this order for 50 classic and 100 modern rocking chairs. 50(15) + 100(12) = 1920 board feet of lumber leaving 1080 board feet remaining. Now consider the point (150,100) on the graph. It is outside the shaded area which indicates that this order of 150 classic rockers and 100 modern rockers would require more lumber than the company can acquire. 150(15) + 100(12) = 3450 board feet of lumber which is 450 board feet more than they have. Ozark cannot fulfill this order. Consider the point (100, 125) now. This point falls directly on the line on the graph indicating that the company would have just enough lumber to fill this order with none to spare. 100(15) + 125(12) = 3000 board feet of maple. If Ozark receives a faxed order for 175 modern rockers and 125 classic rockers, they would not be able to fulfill the order. When we plot the order on the graph (125, 175) we can clearly see it is well outside the shaded area. 125(15) + 175(12) = 3975 board feet of lumber required. They would need an additional 975 board feet of lumber to complete the order. These scenarios clearly show how important it is to be able to solve an inequality with two variables.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Solar System Essay -- Astronomy Plantes Stars Galaxy Essays

The Solar System What are planets? Planets are kinda like asteroid around the sun. There are nine planets in the solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth ( Our planet ), Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The Terrestrial Planets The terrestrial planets are the four innermost planets in the solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are called terrestrial because they have a compact, rocky surface like the Earth's. The planets, Venus, Earth, and Mars have significant atmospheres while Mercury has almost none. The following diagram shows the approximate distance of the terrestrial planets to the Sun. The Sun The Sun is the most prominent feature in our solar system. It is the largest object and contains approximately 98% of the total solar system mass. One hundred and nine Earths would be required to fit across the Sun's disk, and its interior could hold over 1.3 million Earths. The Sun's outer visible layer is called the photosphere and has a temperature of 6,000Â °C (11,000Â °F). This layer has a mottled appearance due to the turbulent eruptions of energy at the surface. Solar energy is created deep within the core of the Sun. It is here that the temperature (15,000,000Â ° C; 27,000,000Â ° F) and pressure (340 billion times Earth's air pressure at sea level) is so intense that nuclear reactions take place. This reaction causes four protons or hydrogen nuclei to fuse together to form one alpha particle or helium nucleus. The alpha particle is about .7 percent less massive than the four protons. The difference in mass is expelled as energy and is carried to the surface of the Sun, through a process known as convection, where it is released as light and heat. Energy generated in the Sun's core takes a million years to reach its surface. Every second 700 million tons of hydrogen are converted into helium ashes. In the process 5 million tons of pure energy is released; therefore, as time goes on the Sun is becoming lighter.The chromosphere is above the photosphere. Solar energy passes through this region on its way out from the center of the Sun. Facula e and flares arise in the chromosphere. Faculae are bright luminous hydrogen clouds which form above regions where sunspots are about to form. Flares are bright filaments of hot gas emerging from sunspot regions. Sunspots are dark depressions on the photosphere with a typical temp... ...s evaporate. The evaporated molecules boil off and carry small solid particles with them, forming the comet's coma of gas and dust. When the nucleus is frozen, it can be seen only by reflected sunlight. However, when a coma develops, dust reflects still more sunlight, and gas in the coma absorbs ultraviolet radiation and begins to fluoresce. As the comet absorbs ultraviolet light, chemical processes release hydrogen, which escapes the comet's gravity, and forms a hydrogen envelope. This envelope cannot be seen from Earth because its light is absorbed by our atmosphere, but it has been detected by spacecraft. The Sun's radiation pressure and solar wind accelerate materials away from the comet's head at differing velocities according to the size and mass of the materials. Thus, relatively massive dust tails are accelerated slowly and tend to be curved. The ion tail is much less massive, and is accelerated so greatly that it appears as a nearly straight line extending away from the comet opposite the Sun. The following view of Comet West shows two distinct tails. The thin blue plasma tail is made up of gases and the broad white tail is made up of microscopic dust particles.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Education Amendment Essay -- Education

Over the years, the federal government has steadily been increasing its control of public education in the United States. The most notable developments of the last decade include the No Child Left Behind Act off 2001 and the ED Recovery Act, part of President Obama’s comprehensive recovery plan. As of September 30, 2010, $97.4 billion dollars was allocated under the ED Recovery Act (Department of Education). With the significant increase in federal interference, the American public should expect positive results. Instead, schools are faced with the same problems they had before the increase in federal interest and, in addition, even more problems arise. Federal involvement in education wastes billions of dollars every year while creating an education system that exists to promote politics, not education. It is time for the federal government to permanently cease its involvement in education. The federal government has been pouring money into the education system for decades. With the additional support the states have been receiving, student achievement and opportunities should be increasing. Instead, school districts are cutting all but the basic programs and achievement remains stagnant. Federal spending per student has tripled since 1970, even when adjusted for inflation (Coulson), but test scores haven’t changed (McCluskey). The only change that was more than 1% was in science, and those scores indicated a drop in scores, not the expected increase (Coulson). Federal money is going down the drain, and the states seem content to keep it that way because it lifts the burden of improving their own schools. This waste of money should not continue. The fundamental premise behind federal control of education is that every child... ...tion. Now it is weak, but it can again be the best in the world. The federal government must cease to involve itself in the field of education. Only then will American students begin to receive the education they deserve. Works Cited Coulson, Andrew J. â€Å"Has Federal Involvement Improved America’s Schools?†. Cato Institute, 2009. Web. 30 November 2010. Department of Education. â€Å"Recovery Act Highlights†. U.S. Department of Education, no date. Web. 30 November 2010. McCluskey, Neal. â€Å"No Federal Failure Left Behind†. Cato Institute, 2004. Web. 30 November 2010. McCluskey, Neal. â€Å"Why We Fight: How Public Schools Cause Social Conflict†. Policy Analysis No. 587. Cato Institute, 2007. Web. 30 November 2010. Romanowski, Michael H. â€Å"What You Don’t Know Can’t Hurt You: Textbook Omissions and 9/11†. The Clearing House; 82:6 (August 2009). Web. 30 November 2010.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American Pragmatism final

People screaming at the top of their lungs for the rock band that they idolize; an individual buying all the books and imitating the writing style of his favorite author; a young girl imitating the clothes of her fashion idol; the aforementioned instances are familiar examples of people who are practicing the idea of fandom wherein they are becoming huge fans of famous personalities or things. The idea of becoming a fan is perceived by people in different ways.There are individuals who look at the idea of being a fan as simply liking something or someone in a degree that is not common to other people. On the other hand, there are also those people who negatively look at fans, as individuals who are going crazy or psychotic for something or someone to the point that they are becoming obsessed. There are even allegations that fans eventually become stalkers, who do untoward decisions and actions. The opposing perspective of the term â€Å"fan† entails a more in-depth study about the topic.To be able to fully understand the meaning of being a fan, it is necessary that it is given due attention and importance. In doing so, I conducted an interview with three individuals, who have different backgrounds but is idolizing the same pop star. The pop star that I focus on is Miley Cyrus. My main motivation for looking for individuals who idolizes Miley Cyrus is due to the popularity and influence of this personality. In 2008, Miley Cyrus is included in Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world.Due to this, I want to find out the reasons why people idolize her and its corresponding effects to their life. Moreover, by conducting the interview with three individuals who idolize Miley Cyrus, I learn more about the idea of being a fan. Summary of Cavicchi’s Book and Argument Based on the book of Cavicchi (1998) the term â€Å"fan† is used as both descriptive and prescriptive when it comes to describing individuals that are regarded as fans. Cavicchi even states that,On the whole, it [the term â€Å"fan†] is used both descriptively and prescriptively to refer to diverse individuals and groups, including fanatics, spectators, groupies, enthusiasts, celebrity stalkers, collectors, consumers, members of subcultures, and entire audiences, and, depending on the context, to refer to complex relationships involving affinity, enthusiasm, identification, desire, obsession, possession, neurosis, hysteria, consumerism, political resistance, or a combination (39). The interest of Cavicchi with the concept of â€Å"fan† is rooted from the fact that Cavicchi himself is also a self-proclaimed fan.The book that he wrote entitled Tramps like us gives an in-depth research and analysis of being a fan, especially when it comes to its corresponding effects to the individual who is a fan of something or someone. Cavicchi uses Bruce Springsteen as an example for his central argument that fandom is actually a useful and me aningful behavior, which allows individuals to form their identities, establish communities, and make sense out of their lives and the society as a whole. Cavicchi (1998) points out that the contribution of Bruce Springsteen in the world exemplifies the advantageous effects of fandom.In the past, many critics have noted that the songs of Bruce Springsteen is unique from other singers in a sense that it actually exist in world of its own with its respective characters, settings, words, and images. The world that Springsteen creates is actually very relevant to other people wherein individuals who only have little knowledge or none at all about Springsteen can still relate with his music. Springsteen emphasizes the world of highways and factories, loners and underdogs, and many others. As such, the themes of the songs of Springsteen actually embody the ideals and struggles of most ordinary Americans.Being the case, Springsteen was able to substantially influence the American pop cultu re and also different societal debates. Springsteen has the ability to not only speak for his fans but actually to them with directness and sincerity, which actually touches the lives of his followers. Cavicchi uses three years of ethnographic research and his own experiences and impressions as a fan in writing his book. He provides an interdisciplinary study of the ways by which ordinary individuals who have special and sustained attachments to their idols actually were able to change and affect their lives because of fandom.Furthermore, it challenges the negative perception about the term â€Å"fan†, specifically the stereotypes of fans as being obsessive, delusional, and to the point of having mental problems. Cavicchi strongly emphasizes that fandom is a normal socio-cultural activity that aids in shaping the identity of individuals. Object of Fandom Destiny Hope Cyrus also popularly known as Miley Cyrus is an American pop singer, songwriter, and actress. Her rose to fame started when she stars in the Disney Channel as Hannah Montana.After the success of her television series, she released a soundtrack CD of the songs that she sang in the Hannah Montana Show. The popularity of the soundtrack CD in the American market, especially for teenagers enables her to create a solo music career with her debut album, Meet Miley Cyrus. In her first album, Miley Cyrus was able to create her first top single entitled â€Å"See You Again†. The increasing popularity of Miley Cyrus paved the way for her to launch her second album called Breakout. Both the albums of Miley Cyrus top number 1 on the Billboard 200.In addition, the single of Miley Cyrus entitled â€Å"Party in the U. S. A. † was recognized as the highest charting and fastest selling single that reach number 2 in the Billboard Hot 100. The influence of Miley Cyrus reaches different nations, which is proven by the record-breaking sales of her albums that reach more than 15 million records. Mil ey Cyrus also shines in the field of acting. Miley Cyrus first extended play was The Time of Our Lives. Miley Cyrus also performed in the concert/film Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert.In relation to this, Miley Cyrus also starred in Bolt wherein she recorded the soundtrack for the movie, which enables her to be nominated in the Golden Globe Awards. The hit show Hannah Montana was later produced in the film with Miley Cyrus as the lead star of the movie. Moreover, the prominence of Miley Cyrus in the society is recognized by Time magazine when she is included in the â€Å"100 Most Influential People in the World and she also ranked 35 on the â€Å"Celebrity 100† list of Forbes magazine for earning $25 million in 2008. Interviewee # 1The first interviewee is Zoe, a 16 years old girl that describes herself as an avid fan of Miley Cyrus. Zoe is a Caucasian American, who is currently studying in a public school. The interview was conducted through phone wherein the queries in the questionnaires were asked and were substantially answered by the respondent. The main interest of Zoe mostly deals with normal young adult hobbies like shopping and hanging out friends. In addition, Zoe also stated that she is very much interested in music, especially from modern pop artist. As previously mentioned, Zoe is a self-proclaimed Miley Cyrus fan.She said that she first get acquainted with the pop star through her series in the Disney Channel, Hannah Montana. Zoe immediately likes the character of Miley in the series and she also took notice of her exceptional singing abilities. Zoe said â€Å"Miley has an exceptional and unique singing voice that can really attract its listeners, once I heard her voice she already mesmerized me. † Zoe opted to have the complete albums of Miley Cyrus instead of just downloading it from the Internet, which she said is a way for her to actually give worth to the singing ability of her idol buy adding to her CD sales.In addition to this, Zoe is also a fan of Miley Cyrus in Facebook and she also follows her in Tweeter. The influence of Miley Cyrus on Zoe affects her fashion sense because Zoe admitted she is actually imitating the fashion sense of Miley. â€Å"I always look carefully at the outfits that she wear, as I really admire her unique fashion sense†, stated Zoe. Zoe explains in the interview that she has not really done anything outrageous as a fan of Miley, the only thing that she did is make a scrapbook of her idol, which other people finds weird.Moreover, Zoe strongly believes that Miley Cyrus exemplifies the normal life of a teenager that has to go through the awkward stage of adolescence, which Zoe can relate to. Zoe expressed in the interview that Miley Cyrus affected her life by making her believe in her dreams and do more things in her life, as Zoe said, â€Å"I can have the best of both worlds just like Miley†. Interviewee # 2 The second interviewee is Sama ntha, a 13-years old teenage girl who is a die-hard fan of Miley Cyrus. She is an African-American that is studying in a public school.Samantha’s interests usually involve watching television, playing computer games, and the occasional going out with her friends. Samantha exclaimed â€Å"I love Miley Cyrus so much! † when asked in the interview on who is her idol. She explains in the interview that she was introduced to the pop star sensation while watching Hannah Montana because her parents only allow her to watch limited channels and this include the Disney Channel. At first, she likes the comic banter between Miley Cyrus and her dad because Samantha can actually relate to it because she said that she has the same relationship with her father.Later on, Samantha is really entertained by the singing capabilities of Miley Cyrus. In relation to this, Samantha can actually relate to the lyrics of Miley Cyrus’ songs that talks about related issues about being a teen ager. Samantha keeps a collection of different Miley Cyrus memorabilia like bags, school supplies, and others. She even said that â€Å"almost all my things are Miley Cyrus inspired†. In addition, Samantha also applauds the acting capability of Miley Cyrus, especially when it comes to comedy that is why she even created her own fan page for Miley.Samantha informed me in the interview that she has not done any outrageous thing as a fan of Miley Cyrus because she believes that becoming a fan does not necessarily mean doing something â€Å"stupid†. Moreover, Samantha points out that Miley Cyrus is an inspiration to her and also to her friends because she represents teenager everywhere who are following their dreams despite the set-backs of the teenage life. Interviewee # 3 The last interviewee is an 18 years old Asia who is actually on her way of going to college.She requested that I do not state her name in the paper, as she is afraid that someone might know that she is a fan of Miley Cyrus. The hesitation of this girl in admitting that she is a fan of Miley Cyrus comes from the fact that most of her peers perceived Miley Cyrus as a loser. As a result, this girl does not have any Miley Cyrus memorabilia and she does not join any networking site about Miley Cyrus. The main reason of this girl for idolizing Miley Cyrus is because she can relate with the life of the pop star.She states that â€Å"Miley Cyrus is just a typical teenager who commits mistakes like her photo scandal and other boyfriend troubles . . . she is being real to herself and to her public. † The girl idolizes Miley Cyrus because of her courage to be true to herself and to others even if she is already popular. In relation to this, she also thinks that Miley Cyrus is a strong individual that can properly handle all the criticisms that come her way. Being the case, Miley Cyrus influences this girl to also be true to herself and never give up. AnalysisBased on the answers of th e three interviewees it is quite observable that most of Miley Cyrus fans are teenage girls who are undergoing the difficult and confusing stage of adolescence. Their main reasons for idolizing Miley Cyrus are due to her singing and acting talents as well as the way she handles herself. The interviewed fans of Miley Cyrus have not done any outrageous or stupid things for their idol because of the reason that they have other outlets in order to express their enthusiasm and support for Miley Cyrus such as buying her albums, patronizing her products, and joining/creating networking sites.However, in the situation of one girl, she cannot freely express that Miley Cyrus is her idol because of the negative perception of her friends when it comes to the pop star. From the answers of the interviewee it is clearly proven that Miley Cyrus becomes an influential and powerful personality in the society because she represents the life of most teenagers.Miley Cyrus’ songs, television serie s, and even her life exemplify the issues and problems of an average American teenager. Miley Cyrus has substantially contributed to the American pop culture because most of her fans can actually relate with her life. Moreover, Miley Cyrus has her way of actually inspiring the lives of teenagers through her songs and the characters that she portrays, which embody a strong woman that will not give up amidst the challenges of life.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Boot Legger Version 20 legalize drugs essays

Boot Legger Version 20 legalize drugs essays I go to Tulane and received an A+ on this paper. You cant tell if a boy or girl wrote it either. Good Luck Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance... for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a mans appetite by legislation and make a crime out of things that are not a crime. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principle upon which our government was founded Abraham Lincoln On January 16, 1920 the Eighteenth Amendment was ratified by thirty-six states and became part of the Constitution. The intention of this new amendment was to lower alcohol consumption by Americans. At the time each American consumed on average thirty gallons of alcohol a year.[1] This new amendment took away the license to do business from the brewers, distillers, and the wholesale and retail sellers of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol consumption did taper off somewhat at the beginning of prohibition only to slowly rise back to pre-prohibition levels shortly before the end of the movement which took place on December 5,1933. Not only was the goal of prohibition never achieved, but it raised organized crime to levels of power unimaginable before and seriously disrupted both the legitimacy and revenue of the government. Just as Prohibition incited many unsavory activities, so has the War on Drugs. The easiest way to show the connection between these to movements is an excerpt from an article pertaining to Prohibition in America during the 1920s: Bootleggers ran wild. Professional robberies began as soon as Prohibition did. Territories were divided by groups of organized crime that became the scum known as the Mafia. The territories were decided by violence and death, both against each other, as well as those in the public who may/may not have been innocent.[2] Extract a few words from the excerpt and replace them with the words drug dealers, War on Drugs, and...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Her path to a hopeful future Professor Ramos Blog

Her path to a hopeful future The story Woman Hollering Creek by Sandra Cisneros is about a girl named Cleofilas who is just about to marry a man named Juan. Newly married and planning to move, Her father said something to her as they said their goodbyes, â€Å"I am your father I will never abandon you.† (Cisneros 43). This stayed with her forever and she often thought, â€Å"How when a man and a woman love each other, sometimes that love sours. But a parent’s love for a child, a child’s for its parents, is another thing entirely.† (Cisneros 43). This is what I imagined saved her when she went into a dark place and thought about all of those stories from the telenovelas and folktales like La Llorona she knew of while growing up. Those could have played a big role into how her future turned out, she could have drowned her two kids like La Llorona or stayed in her abusive relationship with Juan like she would see in those shows she watched. Cleofilas picked a different ending to her sto ry, she turned something so tragic into potentially something beautiful. Cleofilas loved watching telenovelas and watched them very frequently. This affected and gave her unrealistic expectations on how a relationship works. She mentioned how one of the fictional characters who puts up with â€Å"all kinds of hardships of the heart and betrayal and loving no matter what because that is the most important thing.† (Cisneros 44). This line and the belief of putting up with the hardships of a relationship made Cleofilas believe that when Juan started hitting her it was something that was just a hardship. She didnt think he would ever hit her and was actually surprised when it happened. It wasnt just once either, he would hit her, not stopping till her lips were split and blood was spilled. She was so surprised, she didnt do anything, didnt fight back like she would see in those dramatic scenes in those telenovelas she watched. At times she thought about leaving him and returning home to her fathers house. She feared she would be seen as a disgrace, how the neighbours would talk and how she would come back with a young child, pregnant and no husband. Times were different back then and if you were a female you most likely werent working and as this was Cleofilas case, she felt as of she couldnt leave because â€Å"because the towns here are built so that you have to depend on husbands. Or you stay home.† (Cisneros 51). This makes woman feel isolated and stuck, which is what happend with Cleofilas. This keeps many women from leaving an abusive relationship, the most common reasons women stay in an abusive relationship are â€Å"fear, shame, lack of money/resources, love† (NDVH)   Ã‚  Ã‚   I believe that Cleofilas felt like La Llorona in a way, living by that creek which was called Woman Hollering Creek.   She learned about the story growing up, the woman who drowned her children. She felt as if La Llorona was calling to her. The story of La Llorona was told to many children growing up, mostly to scare them. The story is about a girl named Maria who married a rich man, had two kids with them but after they were born he began to not care about her and started seeing another woman and drinking which angered her because she knew he might leave her. He would leave Maria for months at a time and when he came back it was only to see their two kids, this made her feel very angry and she started to resent her own children. She grew angry and threw them in the river, but soon after regretted it and would search for them, weeping, walking aside the river. Eventually because of her not eating, while constantly searching she died on the side of the river.   The ta le begins after when people would see a woman by the river weeping calling out for her children, and also taking other children and killing them as well. This feared everyone and they began calling her the La Llorona which stands for â€Å"the weeping woman†. I think Cleofilas felt a resemblance to La Llorona, living by the creek, two children and a bad relationship. I believe this scared her and she started to think of a way to get out. Cleofilas begs Juan to let her go to the doctor to check on the baby and eventually he says yes. She promised that if asked she would say she got her bruises from falling. When she’s there with her doctor she starts crying and the doctor sees all of her bruises, the doctor called her friend Felice. Graciela the doctor, explained to Felice Cleofilas situation and how all of her family is in Mexico and she hasnt been able to talk to them. This isnt uncommon and actually happens a lot, one of the most common signs of abuse is â€Å"keeping or discouraging you from seeing your friends or family.† (NDVH) They arrange that Felice will meet Cleofilas at the Cash N Carry on Thursday, from there she will drop her off at the greyhound. When Thursday came around Cleofilas was scared, â€Å"All morning that flutter of half-fear, Half-doubt.† (Cisneros 55) she feared Juan would come any second, just like what would happen in her dreams, she kept thinking until she saw a woman in a pickup truck. She put her bags in the back and the headed on their way. When crossing the river Felice opened her mouth and yelled, startling Cleofilas and Juan, Felice then explained how its something she does every time she crosses the bridge since it was called Woman Hollering Creek. Cleofilas felt amazed by Felice because she was a woman who drove a pickup truck, her own pickup truck, that she herself was paying for. I feel like this gave Cleofilas hope, that one day she herself can be so independent and own her own car, pay her own bills. Felice was unlike any woman she has ever met. Cleofilas went home and told the story of the yelling woman who yelled when crossing the bridge and how she herself yelled. I believe that this was the beginning of a new life for Cleofilas, with hope for her new future, she now could do whatever she wanted. There was away where she She was free and had changed her fate and was no longer scared that she saw a connection between her and La Llorona. Cisneros, Sandra. Woman hollering creek. 1991. The National Domestic Violence Hotline. (NDVH).

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Complete Teachers Guide to Discipline Referrals

The Complete Teacher's Guide to Discipline Referrals Classroom management and student discipline play a significant role in the daily duties of an educator. Those teachers who have a good handle on these practices find that they can spend more time teaching and less time managing their students.  Every discipline infraction serves as a distraction of some sort for all involved. Effective teachers can resolve an issue quickly and appropriately with minimal disruption of the learning process. Managing Discipline Referrals in the Classroom Teachers must be careful that they do not make a mountain out of a molehill.  They must manage and evaluate a situation correctly. If the situation warrants a discipline referral, then the student should be sent to the office. A teacher should never send a student to the office simply because they need a break or dont want to deal with it.  Students must be held accountable for their actions. However, complete reliance on the principal for handling all discipline issues is indicative of a failure to effectively manage a classroom on the teachers part. It is important to note that it works the opposite way as well. If a teacher never sends a student to the office, then they are not taking full advantage of the resources available to them. A teacher should never refuse to send a student to the office simply because they are worried about what their principal thinks. Sometimes making a discipline referral is necessary and the right decision. Most administrators understand this and will not think anything about it if you occasionally refer a student to them. For these reasons, every principal should develop a simple guide to discipline referrals for their teachers to follow. This guide should indicate what offenses should be dealt with in the classroom by the teacher and which offenses should result in a discipline referral. This guide to discipline referrals will eliminate guessing by the teacher and ultimately makes the principals job easier. Handling Minor Disciplinary Offenses The following offenses should be handled by the teachers themselves. In most cases retraining the students in procedures will be sufficient, though establishing and following through with classrooms consequences will help reinforce and minimize re-occurrences. A student should not be sent to the office for violating a single offense. These offenses are assumed to be of a minor nature. It is important to note that one of these minor issues can become major when it recurs on a regular basis. If this is the case and the teacher has exhausted an array classroom management and discipline techniques including contact of parents, they should go ahead and refer them to the office. Possession of gum, candy, toys, radios, etc.Passing notes.Failure to follow procedures.Cheating on daily assignments.Failure to bring appropriate materials to class.Petty conflicts among students.Disruptive behavior in the classroom, which is of a minor nature.Missing assigned teacher detention the first scheduled time.Not working in class after parent contact.Tardiness to class (first two occurrences).Use of electronic telecommunication devices for non-educational purposes (i.e. texting, social media, etc.) Handling Major Disciplinary Offenses The following offenses should result in an automatic referral to the office for discipline - NO EXCEPTIONS. Blatant disrespect towards the teacher.Bullying another student.Cheating on a quiz, test, or exam.Missing detention twice after parent contact.TheftLeaving class without permission.Obscene language or gesture.FightingObscene pictures or literature.Vandalism.Smoking and/or possession of smoking materials or tobacco.Possession, consumption, sale, or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.Possession of fireworks, matches, lighter, or another caustic device.Verbal abuse of adults or students.Open defiance/insubordination.Threats by word or deed. Many students never have serious discipline problems. This list will serve as a guideline for teachers who do have policy violations by students in their classrooms. The teacher should use fair and appropriate judgment in the exercise of any discipline. The goal of any teachers disciplinary actions should be to prevent the inappropriate behavior from occurring again. In all cases, the administrator will have the flexibility to respond differently to various situations. The frequency, intensity, and duration of the misconduct are factors that influence the possible consequences.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Comparison between NGOs and GOs, that work to conserve or preserve Essay

Comparison between NGOs and GOs, that work to conserve or preserve biodiversity and the environment - Essay Example A good example of such an organization is the United Nations Environmental Programme. Lastly, there is the Non-governmental organizations that work independently from the government to protect the endangered and threatened areas and species such as the Greenspace and WWF. This essay will focus on the Intergovernmental and non-governmental organization where they will compared and contrasted to understand their role and activities in the restoration and preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems. United Nations Environment Programme is one of the agencies in the United Nations that organizes its environmental activities helping developing countries in implementing sound and practical environmental policies and practices (Gunter, 2004). World Wide Fund for Nature, on the other hand, is a non-governmental organization that works globally on issues relating to the research, conservation and restoration of the environment. Additionally, the Greenpeace is another nongovernmental organization, which ensures that the earth has the ability to nature lifecycle in all its multiplicity. Moreover, it focusses on campaigning on international issues such as deforestation, climate change, commercial whaling, anti-nuclear issues and genetic engineering. Therefore, although the organizations are managed by different organizations they all works towards the same goal and that is conserving the environment. Additionally, the both non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations helping in creating awareness over global issues that affect the environment and the species that live in it. However, although conveying several similarities there are various differences that include the methods on which the goals of each organizations are reached (Swiderska & International Institute for Environment and Development, 2008). For example, Greenpeace uses research, lobbying, and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Choose one of the two question on counter terrorism policy Essay

Choose one of the two question on counter terrorism policy - Essay Example Counter terrorism strategy has four main pillars with a framework for a comprehensive response to terrorism at an international level. The pillars are preventing individuals from becoming terrorists, protecting civilians and infrastructure by ensuring there is reduced vulnerability to attacks, disrupting support networks for terrorists, managing and minimizing the consequences that may arise in case of a terror attack. Therefore, this strategy requires working at an international level and despite the fact that these measures are a step forward in combating terrorism, countering terrorism still remains a problem due to lack of clearly defined policies. Public Policy Perspective of Counterterrorism Much counterterrorism policies are expressed in prevention terms and not as a precautionary measure.2 Moreover, counter terrorism efforts will constitute all the necessary actions taken by a government in trying to hinder attacks; hence, its formulated policies should try to reflect the goa ls and missions of the government. Therefore, having a future measure can consist of actions such as the distinguishing of practices that involve counter terrorism. There are three main aims that governments have during the outlining of a government’s goal in trying to counter the terrorist attacks, which include preventing the escalation of terror attacks, eliminating terrorism and minimizing the damages that might be caused in case of a terror attack. Eliminating terrorist involves destruction of terrorist organizations while actions involved in minimizing damage that may occur in case of an attack include trying to reduce possible future attacks or preventing suicide bombings. The acts of avoiding the spread of both scope of terror attacks and conflicts are key prevention measures for terrorism. In enhancing these policies, most governments preclude organizations from being able to gain certain political achievements such as receiving support from a foreign country. The ne w legislations that we rely on have legal solutions that rely on judgment placed on judges’ hands.3 The policies should be made based on actions that are accepted in the society. This error requires overspecialization of counterterrorism officers in order to diminish impaired judgments against them.4 One of the democratic measures that a government can take is understanding the various factors that motivate and process radicalization; hence, it is important to acknowledge the fact that acknowledging the difficulty of eliminating a threat is the first step in developing strategies for combating terrorism. International Relation Perspective of Counterterrorism grand Strategy The states have a variety of ways in which they can tackle terrorism on an international system. For instance, EU member states have tried to put measures that will combat terrorism in their EU level. Moreover, governments face a number of challenges within the strategies they use for combating terrorism. T he EU coordinators have a setback, which are unable to coordinate complex areas of counterterrorism due to diverse structures.5 For instance, Europe had a surge in the national terrorism when it combined with other groups such as IRA from

London striptease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

London striptease - Essay Example In London, for example, the striptease industry is currently booming and many people are flocking into related institutions e.g. the Jo King’s School of Striptease. Many of the women who striptease feel that it empowers them and that it is an adequate way to improve their image. Sexualisation has also hit the media with sexual exposure becoming vital for magazines, movies, music and advertisements to achieve financial success. However, does embracing sexualisation in the society really liberate those involved, especially women, or does it imprison their potential and possibilities? Does sexualisation really empower? It all started with strippers going live on TV to give lessons on lap dancing men to orgasm. Then celebrities like Britney Spears started becoming increasingly popular in relation to their nudity, so much, so that discussions about some of their private parts became major subjects in entertainment gossip. Charlie’s Angels, the movie, was then introduced in 2 001, enhancing the interest of people in ‘sexy’ crime fighting. It involved stars who dressed in soft porn like fashion, which was apparently meant to inspire empowerment and independence in women. Its sequel involved even more sexualisation as the stars were required to perform many stripteases while undertaking their missions. This did not end with the TVs and the radios as anyone walking down the streets in any Western world community would come across teens, young women, and some occasional wild fifty-year –olds wearing shorts cut so low and so tight that they exposed the butt cleavage. These shorts would then be paired with miniature tops, which showed the whole sections of breasts above the nipples and the pierced navels alike. In some cases, as if the overall message radiated from such clothing was not obvious enough, the pieces of clothing would be imprinted with the playboy bunny or a nude porn star’s picture or drawing. As if things were not beco ming weird, enough, many women started going to strip clubs (with female strippers) in their leisure time. They explained that it felt liberating and rebellious to watch their fellow women on the poles, toss some notes at them or shove them in their underwear and occasionally strip down and join them. Many young women became openly and shamelessly obsessed with porn stars, a hobby previously thought to be exclusively for teenage boys. As a result, girls started purchasing merchandise like the one g-strings and vibrators commonly associated with their favorite porn stars (Levy 2010: 32). Nowadays, nudity has become such a common part of life. So much so that exposing a woman’s breasts in public is not considered a taboo, most so in the Western world. In fact, such a scenario is given surprisingly little attention as witnessed in many of the streets. There have been numerous reports of female celebrities taking their morning jogs on the streets of Hollywood with nothing but the ir underwear on, during rush hour traffic. According to the reports, very few people even pay any significance to them, leave alone staring, whistling or commenting inappropriately. Such a scenario can be witnessed in many of America’s beaches, which have fully embraced nudity and anyone seen with even a drab of underwear is considered out of place. Also contributing to this notion is the fashion industry. Models are strolling down the runway with tops that reveal everything under them as they apparently believe that it does not

Thursday, October 17, 2019

No Topic Necessary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

No Topic Necessary - Essay Example Apparently, the story of Buddha in the myth is intertwined with other deities, especially Christianity (Campbell, 30). These other deities are seen as being weak and temporary as opposed to Buddhism which remains immovable even in the future. Actually, the writer emphasizes the superiority of Buddhism in Oriental antiquity as compared to other deities. In today’s society, comparisons between religious deities and implications of ancient spiritual narratives remain influential. More often, these comparisons are divisive in nature. In the Hero’s story, the hero asserts that Buddha is immovable and superior in the presence of other deities (Campbell, 35). In today’s society, the spiritual heroism of Moses in the Old Testament remains the central narrative in the Jewish religion. Personally, I agree that Moses transformed into a heavenly level when he encountered God around the burning bush at Mont Sinai. Prescription of the Ten Commandments sealed God’s covenant with the Israelites in a similar manner that Gautama linked Buddhists with Buddha. In this context, the spiritual experience of Moses in the Old Testament, which is influential in today’s Jewish and Christian religions, is synonymous to the spiritual adventure of Gautama Sakyamuni in the

Compare the function of IGOS and INGOS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Compare the function of IGOS and INGOS - Essay Example However, in the modern culture, these organizations are playing an important role in the world politics by influencing the global security and peace through their global collaborative function and working for the social and economical development of the member states. These organizations perform their functions according to the rules and regulations of intergovernmentalism, which means that a complete harmony is required. Whereas, Non-Government Organizations (NGO) are developed by some private personnel for the welfare of the society, which can also be international in their scope. These organizations do not posses any sort of government accreditation and established merely on the basis of mutual agreements among different personnel to raise funds through donations and grants from different philanthropists and international humanitarian organizations. However, they are recognized by the UN and many other international organizations as important political and welfare institutions. Th ese organizations are termed as international organizations due to the scope of their functionality, whereas in the real sense these organizations are not purely international organizations because they are not developed to coordinate the functions and efforts of the members for their mutual gains. The following table shows a compression between the objectives and functions of these two organizations. We will also evaluate that which organization better serves the humanity and promote the human rights in the world.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

No Topic Necessary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

No Topic Necessary - Essay Example Apparently, the story of Buddha in the myth is intertwined with other deities, especially Christianity (Campbell, 30). These other deities are seen as being weak and temporary as opposed to Buddhism which remains immovable even in the future. Actually, the writer emphasizes the superiority of Buddhism in Oriental antiquity as compared to other deities. In today’s society, comparisons between religious deities and implications of ancient spiritual narratives remain influential. More often, these comparisons are divisive in nature. In the Hero’s story, the hero asserts that Buddha is immovable and superior in the presence of other deities (Campbell, 35). In today’s society, the spiritual heroism of Moses in the Old Testament remains the central narrative in the Jewish religion. Personally, I agree that Moses transformed into a heavenly level when he encountered God around the burning bush at Mont Sinai. Prescription of the Ten Commandments sealed God’s covenant with the Israelites in a similar manner that Gautama linked Buddhists with Buddha. In this context, the spiritual experience of Moses in the Old Testament, which is influential in today’s Jewish and Christian religions, is synonymous to the spiritual adventure of Gautama Sakyamuni in the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Markting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Markting - Essay Example Least useful or appropriate? Your response should be well thought out and insightful. There are many companies in the world which are using the Internet as a medium to expand their business. One of the well renowned companies that is using the Internet to expand its business is Kellogg Company, popularly known as Kellogg’s. The company has its own website to assist its customers and provide the customers with a healthy service. The main vision of the company is to provide its customers with more improved and advanced products. Moreover, the company plans to provide the new products with more nutrition and taste to meet the standard of good quality products. For instance, the company launched products like Frosted Mini-wheat Little Bites, as well as Kellogg’s Raisin Bran, in the month of February 2012. These products were launched in order to satisfy the needs of the customers because it was through customer feedback, which was given on their official website, facilitate d the company to bring the products in the market. Through various social networking websites like Facebook, Kellogg’s has also been able to gather information about the customers’ likes and dislikes. ... The company is able to comprehend customers’ preferences towards a particular product. The website helps in taking decisions related to future product expansion strategy for the company. The customer service and feedback system, which is created on the official website, helps the company to gain knowledge about the customer preferences within a very short span of time. Moreover, the company is able to save a substantial amount of costs by doing a thoroughgoing marketing survey in different regions which would enhance the requirement of cost allocation. All together, the company is able to gather information about the product preferences among the consumers from amongst the large population of the entire world through the use of website (Kellogg Co.). On the other hand, there are few drawbacks while seeking to gather valuable customer related information through website as has been done by Kellogg’s. In this process of gathering information, the company generally would b e receiving individual feedback and not a group feedback from its customers. This can create certain hindrances for the company regarding the kind of strategy to follow. The company might face difficulty while analyzing the feedback from each and every customer. Different customers will have different feedbacks to provide and the company has to shrewdly decide which strategy to follow and which strategy not to follow. In the long run, the company might face difficulties in devising a single profitable strategy. Moreover, this process might be time consuming for the company. Whereas, when the feedbacks come in a group, the company does not have to spend time in deciding what strategy to follow as one single strategy will give the company to earn a lot of profit. The strategy of gathering

Great Expectations Thesis Essay Example for Free

Great Expectations Thesis Essay All along, Pip was under the impression that his benefactor was Miss Havisham, as opposed to Magwitch. * Joe Gargery, Pips brother-in-law, and his first father figure. He is a blacksmith who is always kind to Pip and the only person with whom Pip is always honest. Joe was very disappointed when Pip decided to leave his home and travel to London to become a gentleman rather than be a blacksmith. * Mrs. Joe Gargery, Pips hot-tempered adult sister, who raises him after the death of their parents but complains constantly of the burden Pip is to her. Orlick, her husbands journeyman, attacks her and she is left disabled until her death. Mr Pumblechook, Joe Gargerys uncle, an officious bachelor and corn merchant. While holding Pip in disdain, he tells Mrs. Joe (as she is widely known) how noble she is to raise Pip. As the person who first connected Pip to Miss Havisham, he even claims to have been the original architect of Pips precious fortune. Pip despises Mr Pumblechook as Mr Pumblechook constantly makes himself out to be better than he really is. He is a cunning impostor. When Pip finally stands up to him, Mr Pumblechook turns those listening to the conversation against Pip and his usefulness at succession. Miss Havisham and her family * Miss Havisham, wealthy spinster who takes Pip on as a companion and who Pip suspects is his benefactor. Miss Havisham does not discourage this as it fits into her own spiteful plans which derive from her desire for revenge after being jilted at the altar several years before. She later apologizes to him as shes overtaken by guilt. He accepts her apology and she is badly burnt when her wedding dress, which she has never taken off since being jilted, catches fire when she gets close to the fireplace. Pip saves her, but she later dies from her injuries. Estella, Miss Havishams adopted daughter, whom Pip pursues romantically throughout the novel. She is secretly the daughter of Molly, Jaggerss housekeeper, and Abel Magwitch, Pips convict. Estella was given up for adoption to Miss Havisham after her mother, Molly, is tried for murder. [4] Estella represents the life of wealth and culture for which Pip strives. Since her ability to love has been ruined by Mis s Havisham, she is unable to return Pips passion. She warns Pip of this repeatedly, but he is unwilling or unable to believe her. * Matthew Pocket, a cousin of Miss Havishams. He is the patriarch of the Pocket family, but unlike others of her relatives he is not greedy for Havishams wealth. Matthew Pocket has a family of nine children, two nurses, a housekeeper, a cook, and a pretty but useless wife (named Belinda). He also tutors young gentlemen, such as Bentley Drummle, Startop, Pip, and his own son Herbert, who live on his estate. * Herbert Pocket, a member of the Pocket family, Miss Havishams presumed heirs, whom Pip first meets as a pale young gentleman who challenges Pip to a fist fight at Miss Havishams house when both are children. He is the son of Matthew Pocket, is Pips tutor in the gentlemanly arts, and shares his apartment with Pip in London, becoming Pips fast friend who is there to share Pips happiness. Characters from Pips youth * The Convict, an escapee from a prison ship, whom Pip treats kindly, and who turns out to be his benefactor, at which time his real name is revealed to be Abel Magwitch, but who is also known as Provis and Mr Campbell in parts of the story to protect his identity. Pip also covers him as his uncle in order that no one recognizes him as a convict sent to Australia years before. Abel Magwitch, the convicts given name, who is also Pips benefactor. * Provis, a name that Abel Magwitch uses when he returns to London, to conceal his identity. Pip also says that Provis is his uncle visiting from out of town. * Mr Campbell, a name that Abel Magwitch uses after he is discovered in London by his enemy. * Biddy, Wopsles second cousin; she runs an evening school from her home in Pips village and becomes Pips teacher. A kind and intelligent but poor young woman, she is, like Pip and Estella, an orphan. She is the opposite of Estella. Pip ignores her obvious love for him as he fruitlessly pursues Estella. After he realizes the error of his life choices, he returns to claim Biddy as his bride, only to find out she has married Joe Gargery. Biddy and Joe later have two children, one named after Pip whom Estella mistakes as Pips child in the original ending. Orlick was attracted to her, but his affection was unreciprocated. The lawyer and his circle * Mr Jaggers, prominent London lawyer who represents the interests of diverse clients, both criminal and civil. He represents Pips benefactor and is Miss Havishams lawyer as well. By the end of the story, his law practice is the common element that brushes many of the characters. * John Wemmick, Jaggerss clerk, only called Mr. Wemmick and Wemmick except by his father, who himself is referred to as The Aged Parent, The Aged P. , or simply The Aged. Wemmick is Pips chief go-between with Jaggers and generally looks after Pip in London. Mr. Wemmick lives with his father, The Aged, in John’s â€Å"castle†, which is a small replica of a castle complete with a drawbridge and moat, in Walworth. * Molly, Mr Jaggerss maidservant whom Jaggers saved from the gallows for murder. Great Expectations is a novel depicting growth and personal development, in this case, of Pip. The themes are ambition and the desire for self-improvement (social, economic, educational, and moral); guilt, criminality, and innocence; maturation and the growth from childhood to adulthood; the importance of affection, loyalty, and sympathy over social advancement and class superiority; social class; the difficulty of maintaining superficial moral and social categories in a constantly changing worldFrom an early age, Pip feels guilt; he is also afraid that someone will find out about his crime and arrest him. The theme of crime comes in to even greater effect when Pip discovers that his benefactor is in fact a convict. Pip has an internal struggle with his conscience throughout the book. Great Expectations explores the different social classes of the Georgian era. Throughout the book, Pip becomes involved with a broad range of classes, from criminals like Magwitch to the extremely rich like Miss Havisham. Pip has great ambition, as demonstrated constantly in the book.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Operation Of The Smart System Construction Essay

The Operation Of The Smart System Construction Essay Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia and becomes a well known international city with a large number of high rise buildings. Klang River overflowed its bank and flooded the city which between Tun Perak Bridge and Dang Wangi Bridge on 26 April 2001. Besides that, Kuala Lumpur has a very dense population and most of the residents are driving their own vehicle to works. This substantially brings a serious congestion especially during working hours. Government has decided to formulate the Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART) project to mitigate the floods and ease of traffic congestion which is carried out through a joint venture pact between MMC Corp Berhad and Gamuda Berhad with the Department of Irrigation And Drainage Malaysia and the Malaysian Highway Authority. Every mega projects in the world will undergo long process during the design phases in order to produce a best and unique product. SMART project also faced the same situation and it has its own uniqueness whereby it combines the wet and dry tunnel in a structural element. The SMART Project is an innovative solution that it serves a dual purpose of mitigates the floods and ease of traffic congestion at Kuala Lumpur. Generally, the SMART tunnel consist of a bypass tunnel constructed from underground from the upstream of Kang River towards Taman Desa which is about 9.7km in length. Besides that, there will be a holding basin in Kampung Berendam, a storage reservoir at Taman Desa, a twin box culvert structure and control gates structures. SMART tunnel is constructed by using the tunnel boring machine method. The tunnel is constructed into two decks motorway which is the upper deck and lower deck. Moreover, at the bottom of lower deck, there will be a place for the water to channel through the tunnel. The safety of the tunnel is consider as good because it is surrounded by close circuit television, 24 hours of patrol, equipped with the necessary firefighting equipment, first aid and emergency phone in the event of emergency happened. Other features of tunnel are good ventilation to maintain the air quality in the tunnel by using strong ventilators. This SMART tunnel wrote a new page of building technology in Malaysia by bring in a few tunneling technology such as tunnel boring machine. It definitely shown a new step took by the government in enhances the national transportation system and flood issue as well. 1.2 Problem Statement Kuala Lumpur is a nerve centre for Malaysia ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s economy and it is a capital of the Malaysia. Every year, there is an occurrence of heavy floods in this area and resulted in extensive damages. The city is also subject to traffic congestion due to the population increase in the city. In order to address the problem, government decides to build a Smart Tunnel to solve the both issue carried out through a joint venture pact between MMC Corp Berhad and Gamuda Berhad with the Department of Irrigation And Drainage Malaysia and the Malaysian Highway Authority as the executing government agencies. Smart Tunnel is serving a dual purpose which is ease of traffic congestion and mitigates the floods issue in Kuala Lumpur. However, Kuala Lumpur ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s SMART Tunnel is not looking so smart anymore as the there is occurrence of heavy flood at Jalan TunRazak and Kampung Baru (The Star Online, 2011).Besides that, the heavy traffic congestion in Kuala Lumpur still cannot be solve even the SMART tunnel has been constructed with its secondary function which is serve to ease the traffic problem. In order to understand better on how the SMART tunnel operates, maintain and the effectiveness of its function, it is necessary to carry out a research on how the water is diverts and how it ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s serve to ease the traffic at Kuala Lumpur. 1.3 Aim and Objectives Title A Study and Evaluation of SMART Projects in Malaysia Aim To establish the conceptual model of SMART projects in serving the dual purpose of flood mitigation and ease of road congestion. Objectives The objectives of the study are (i) To ascertain the operating system and maintenance system of SMART tunnel. (ii) To identify the effectiveness of the smart tunnel in mitigate flood and ease of traffic congestion. (iii) To study the benefits of SMART tunnel by comparing before and after the construction of SMART tunnel. 1.4 Scope of Study In this research proposal, three main aspects will be focused and carried out such as the operating and maintenance system of SMART Tunnel. This is mainly study on how the SMART tunnel reacts; operate when there is a heavy flood and how is the maintenance system of the SMART tunnel. Besides that, an analysis on the effectiveness of the SMART tunnel will be carried out. Benefits of the SMART tunnel will be study by comparing the before and after of the construction of SMART tunnel. On the other hand, the other three aspects that will not be focus throughout the research proposal will be the management system of the SMART tunnel, the comparison on the performance of the structure under seismic loading when there is an occurrence of earthquake and the construction method used in constructing SMART tunnel. 1.5 Research Methodology Methodology in a simplify term can be defined as a term whereby it enable the research ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s goal and objectives can be achieved effectively. So, it is important that a systematic methodology should carry out in order to collect all the necessary and important information to get a best result for the study. Generally, the methodology of this research proposal is as follows: First stage (Literature Review) In this stage, the study will begin with the formulation of research aim, objectives and problem statement. At this early stage, some of the secondary data will be use as reference such as articles, reference books and newspaper. Secondary data is used in this stage in order to understand the topic thoroughly thus formulates the aim, problem statement and objectives of the research proposal. Second stage (Interview/Questionnaire/Case Study) After the formulation of aim, objectives and problem statement, other necessary information will gather from primary data. The relevant information will be acquired through primary sources such as interview, questionnaire and case study. The relevant respondents that have knowledge towards the topic will be interview and questionnaire approach will also be conducted by distribute a number of questionnaires to the respondent to fill up. Third Stage After collecting all the relevant data, the data will be analyse by using a analysis method to analyse whether the objective of the research has meet. The effectiveness of the SMART tunnel in mitigates the floods and ease of traffic congestion will be analysed at this stage and another method of analysis will be done by comparing the benefits before and after the construction of SMART tunnel. Then, the result will be presented in the proposal itself. 1.6 Chapter Planned The research proposal mainly comprises of five chapters which as shown below: Chapter 1 Chapter 1 of the research proposal is just a brief on the research proposal. In this chapter, a brief introduction of SMART tunnel will be discussed. Then the aim, objectives, problem statement and scope of study will be formulated after read through the relevant information of SMART tunnel. Besides that, research methodology, the flow of chapter and planning of chapter will also be identified at this stage. At last, a work programme will be prepared by comparing the pre-planned work and actual work done throughout the research proposal. Chapter 2 The objectives that formulated in chapter 1 will be discussed more detail in this stage. In this chapter, the mode of operating and maintenance system of SMART tunnel will be study and discussed by referring to the books, journal and articles. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of the SMART tunnel in mitigates the flood and ease of traffic congestion will be elaborate thoroughly by referring to the articles. Then, the benefits of the SMART tunnel by comparing the before and after the construction of it will be identified and discussed at this stage. Chapter 3 This chapter is mainly focus on the methodology used in preparing the research proposal. Obviously, the methodology used which is primary data. Interview and questionnaire will be conducted by interview a person who had knowledge on the SMART tunnel such as Architect, Engineer and Quantity Surveying. Questionnaire will be distributed to the road users that uses SMART tunnel at least five times in a week. Chapter 4 After the collection of primary and secondary data, a detail analysis will be carried out by using the SPSS software to calculate the outcome. This will be applied to the questionnaire collected after filled up by the road users and the interview being conducted with the Architect, Quantity Surveyor or Engineers whereas the interview will be analyse by writing it into an essay form in research proposal. Chapter 5 Chapter 5 is the conclusion part prepared after the analysis of the data collected. A possible recommendation will also be produced in order to provide alternative solution to the statement as stated in Chapter 1. 1.7 Summary of the Proposal Flow Chart 1: Summary of the proposal Source: Wong Yee Vern 2.1 Introduction In the year of 2001, Government has sort out a solution that would allow a severe flood to enter into the city without flooding or cause damage to the city centre. An idea was proposed by the Government to implement a project named SMART Project by constructing a tunnel which serve a dual purpose in mitigates the flood issue and ease of traffic congestion. The procurement method of this project is design and build contract and is carry out by a joint venture between Malaysian Mining Corporation and Gamuda Sdn Bhd. Meanwhile, the concessionaire of the project is Syarikat Mengurus Air Banjir Terowong Sdn Bnd and undergoes a concession period of 40 years. The construction method of SMART tunnel is using Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) method and it cost around RM 1.9 billion to construct. Design of the tunnel is consider as unique as it is divided into 2 decks and the length of the tunnel is about 9.7 km with an outer diameter of 13.2m. The construction of SMART Tunnel began on 25 November 2003 and officially operates on 14 May 2007. 2.2 Physical Components of Stormwater System The SMART system is a sequence of storage, attenuation and regulated flow. The system diverts flood discharges from the city centre and subsequently releases them downstream while ensuring the flood problem is not transferred elsewhere (Ir. Ng Koh Hing, Ir. David N. Welch Subathra Devi Ramachandram, 2008). No overflow shall occur by ensuring the system optimizes the storage, attenuation and regulation within and adjacent to the system. Generally the bypass system consists of intake and outlet system. Besides that, the intake and outlet system consist of a debris removal system complete with floating booms, trash rack and a debris removal and disposal unit. A river flow diversion system complete with a 4-bay diversion weir structure and an 8-bay offtake structure shall also be part of the intake and outlet system. Then a set of twin box culverts which gated at both end conveys the discharge from storage reservoir to Kerayong. Moreover, a holding pond will be situated at the upstream of the tunnel with a storage capacity of 600,000 cubic metres and a storage cum attenuation pond with a storage capacity of 1,400,000 cubic metres located at the downstream end of the tunnel. 2.3 Operation of the SMART System When there is an event of downpour of rain, the data collected will be analysed to predict the operation mode of SMART Tunnel. For instance, when mode II is predicted by the analysis of data collected then action will be taken accordingly. Initially, this means that the defined operating rules will be operated and the sequence of operation will be displayed for monitoring and supervision purpose in Stormwater Control Centre (SCC) which involved the operation of various gates. The mode of operation of SMART tunnel will be subdivided into 4 modes. 2.3.1 Operation Rules of SMART Tunnel Before 2.3.2 Modes of Operation The operation of SMART tunnel and motorway is depend on the flood condition at the upstream of Klang River or Ampang River and works on four principle mode. The principle mode of operation system of SMART tunnel can be referred to figure 1.2. Mode I This is the mode when the raining water is very little and traffic is allowed in the tunnel thus no diversion of water into the tunnel is required. Mode II This mode is activated when the flow rate is between 70-150m3/s which means that when the flow rate of the rainwater recorded at the upstream is between these rate, Mode II will be automatically activated. The road tunnel traffic will remain opened to the road users but the excess flood water will be diverted to the holding pond and the lower deck of the tunnel will channel the flood flow to the attenuation pond with a flow rate of 50m3/s. Mode III When there is a heavy rain fall, this mode will be activated and the flow rate is 150m3/s or more. However, the traffic is motorway is required to be close down in order to allow the water channel through the both tunnel. Under such circumstances, the tunnel will be close up to 8 hours after the rain stops to do some maintenance work. Mode IV After the 2 hours of declaration of Mode III, this mode will be activated if the rain water storm prolong and the road tunnel will be re-opened to the traffic only within 4 days of closure. Moreover, the tunnel will be used for channel the floods after the completion of evacuation of traffic. Figure 1.2 Operation Mode of SMART tunnel

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Concept Of Power In Politics Essay examples -- essays research pap

The Meaning of Power   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The instrumental character of power is that of a â€Å"means to an end.† It includes the tools, resources, and abilities used to pursue goals. The meaning of power and its role in politics is understood first with a background of its dual nature. De jure refers to the theory of power. The concept of â€Å"absolute power,† considers tangible factors. When comparing nations’ power, money and gross national product are units of measure; the United States is more powerful than Mexico. Army size and strength are also measurable. World powers, such as the U.S., Britain, and Japan, defeat countries with smaller, weaker armies. From an objective standpoint, tangible assets make a country a world power. But world powers and their leaders also possess intangible qualities. De facto is the subjective aspect of power that is immeasurable. Charisma, such as that of Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King, could not be described, but made them successful leaders. The â€Å"will to win† or morale of people, especially athletes, is power. De facto power is continually changing because of the relative character of power, to time, situation, and contending parties. When power is applied in interaction with contending parties, the situational factors of power and politics come into play. Power is initially proven in a political situation through credibility. The opposing party’s belief that you have power and will use it makes them take you seriously. I...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mascuilinity through New Zealand Literature Essay -- essays research p

In search of: Representations of Masculinity As explored in K. Road, Once Were Warriors, The Making of a New Zealander, and Working Up North. Research Questions: 1: How important is masculinity to the society portrayed in each text? 2: How do the main male characters show or express this masculinity or manliness? 3: Is the perception of the classic New Zealand male changing? RESOURCES: Title: ‘K. Road’ Author: Ted Dawe Date: 2/5/2006 1: Because this novel was set in the late 1990’s K Road, masculinity is important in showing what most males were like then. Showing toughness, joining gangs, playing rugby and drinking excessive amounts of beer were all attributes that a kiwi bloke must have to help them appear masculine and manly. 2: Characters such as Flash and Rabbit show their masculinity through rugby and surfing and camping on the beach (outdoors). Characters such as Sonny and the Te Pania boys show their masculinity through their muscles, tattoos and gang fights. 3: Because this is set in K Road as opposed to South Island farmland for instance, it shows a slight change in the perception of masculinity or the classic ‘Kiwi Bloke.’ Men no longer are required to play rugby and drink beer to be considered manly. Title: ‘Once Were Warriors’ Author: Alan Duff Date: 8/5/2006 1: Jake Heke, the main character, is easily provoked and extremely aggressive. He also liked to show off his masculinity to his mates. He would often be drunk and abuse his wife physically. This type of thing was extremely common in area similar to were ‘Once Were Warriors’ was set.... ...staunchness’ as the main factor determining masculinity. I believe that the perceptions of the stereotypical ‘Kiwi bloke’ are false and that the pride and respect within this sense of manliness has gone. Also I have found that this perception seems to be changing from the rural based, rugby obsessed men to more modern city based men with good taste and nice clothes. However the media are still presenting Kiwi men as being rough, rugby playing big-men that like to have a beer with their mates. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Â ·Dawe, Ted (2005) ‘K Road’ Longacre Press, Dunedin. Â ·Marshall, Owen (1995) ‘Working Up North’ in ‘Coming Home in the Dark’ Random House New Zealand ltd, Auckland. Â ·Sargeson, Frank (1982) ‘The Making of a New Zealander’ in ‘The Stories of Frank Sargeson. Penguin Books ltd, Auckland. Â ·Duff, Alan (1990) ‘Once Were Warriors’ Tandem Press, Auckland. Mascuilinity through New Zealand Literature Essay -- essays research p In search of: Representations of Masculinity As explored in K. Road, Once Were Warriors, The Making of a New Zealander, and Working Up North. Research Questions: 1: How important is masculinity to the society portrayed in each text? 2: How do the main male characters show or express this masculinity or manliness? 3: Is the perception of the classic New Zealand male changing? RESOURCES: Title: ‘K. Road’ Author: Ted Dawe Date: 2/5/2006 1: Because this novel was set in the late 1990’s K Road, masculinity is important in showing what most males were like then. Showing toughness, joining gangs, playing rugby and drinking excessive amounts of beer were all attributes that a kiwi bloke must have to help them appear masculine and manly. 2: Characters such as Flash and Rabbit show their masculinity through rugby and surfing and camping on the beach (outdoors). Characters such as Sonny and the Te Pania boys show their masculinity through their muscles, tattoos and gang fights. 3: Because this is set in K Road as opposed to South Island farmland for instance, it shows a slight change in the perception of masculinity or the classic ‘Kiwi Bloke.’ Men no longer are required to play rugby and drink beer to be considered manly. Title: ‘Once Were Warriors’ Author: Alan Duff Date: 8/5/2006 1: Jake Heke, the main character, is easily provoked and extremely aggressive. He also liked to show off his masculinity to his mates. He would often be drunk and abuse his wife physically. This type of thing was extremely common in area similar to were ‘Once Were Warriors’ was set.... ...staunchness’ as the main factor determining masculinity. I believe that the perceptions of the stereotypical ‘Kiwi bloke’ are false and that the pride and respect within this sense of manliness has gone. Also I have found that this perception seems to be changing from the rural based, rugby obsessed men to more modern city based men with good taste and nice clothes. However the media are still presenting Kiwi men as being rough, rugby playing big-men that like to have a beer with their mates. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Â ·Dawe, Ted (2005) ‘K Road’ Longacre Press, Dunedin. Â ·Marshall, Owen (1995) ‘Working Up North’ in ‘Coming Home in the Dark’ Random House New Zealand ltd, Auckland. Â ·Sargeson, Frank (1982) ‘The Making of a New Zealander’ in ‘The Stories of Frank Sargeson. Penguin Books ltd, Auckland. Â ·Duff, Alan (1990) ‘Once Were Warriors’ Tandem Press, Auckland.

Advertising Planning and Implementationn

Running Head: ADVERTISING PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION Advertising Planning and Implementation Melanie Boggs September 14, 2011 MKT/447 Jeffery Manning University of Phoenix Advertising Planning and Implementation This paper focuses on the key elements of Pepsi’s advertising plan and how putting that plan into action affects consumer behaviors. What the advertising message says to the consumers should match up with the reception the company expects to receive.Many aspects of the plan includes it target audience, consumer behavior, positioning, media outlets, and the creation of the advertisement. These elements create the layout for the plan to be put into place for actions to be taken by the consumers. The advertising message is the â€Å"strategies used to convey what a company wants to say and how it wants to say it† (Arens, Weigold, Arens, 2008). This message also is known as the message strategy. Achieving the goal is meeting the message objective. Ads must portray the image necessary to achieve the message strategy.The agencies creative team must come up with a plan that â€Å"agrees with the target, product, media, and message† of the ad (Arens, Weigold, & Arens, p 374, 2008). Pepsi’s advertising messages of its new ad campaigns tells consumers that the product is still alive and in competition with Coke-Cola. The creatives of the ad must understand the target audience for which the ads are fashioned. Advertisers and marketers target audiences through segmentation. Some of these types of segmentation are demographic, geographic, geodemographic, psychographic, behavioral, benefit, and volume.Many ads combine a mix of these to reach consumers through different levels of segmentation. Demographic segmentation targets consumers on the basis of â€Å"age, sex, ethnicity, education, occupation, income, and other quantifiable factors† (Arens, Weigold, Arens, p 174, 2008). Geodemographic segmentation is targeting on the basis of loyalty to a brand from the cause of a demographic influence, such as the Dancing Teddy commercial. Geographic segmentation targets a specific area, such as country, state, city, or providence, and its size (Dancing Santa).Psychographic segmentation is on the basis of â€Å"values, personalities, attitudes, and lifestyles,† such as the new Pepsi ads competitive nature (Arens, Weigold, & Arens, p 177, 2008). Behavioral segmentation is on the basis of purchase behavior. These include â€Å"user status, usage rate, purchase occasion, and benefit sought† (Arens, Weigold, & Arens, p 170, 2008). Benefit segmentation targets consumers through ads on the basis of â€Å"high quality, low cost, status, sex appeal, good taste, or health consciousness† (Arens, Weigold, & Arens, p 173, 2008).Volume segmentation is the basis on how often consumers use the product. However, Pepsi’s new commercials do fit a mix of these segmentations. Consumer behaviors are the â€Å"m ental and emotional processes and the physical activities of people who purchase and use goods and services to satisfy particular needs and wants† (Arens, Weigold, & Arens, p 145, 2008). â€Å"Advertising’s primary goal is to reach potential consumers, and influence their awareness, attitudes, and buying behaviors† (Arens, Weigold, & Arens, p 145, 2008).Understanding the buying behavior of the audience aids in understanding which segment to target. Just as, understanding the audience helps understand the buying behavior. Pepsi’s decision to stay out of commercials for the past three years has given the company plenty of ammunition against its largest competitor Coke-Cola. Positioning refers to the place a brand occupies competitively in the minds of the consumers. Positioning reflects the consumers perceptions about the product whether it is true or not.Through differentiation or market strategy a company may pick a position similar to a competitor and fig ht for its market. The seven approaches to positioning strategies are â€Å"product attribute, price or quality, use or application, product class, product user, product competitor, cultural symbol, and by category† (Arens, Weigold, & Arens, p 241, 2008). Pepsi’s past positions have played from one or more of these strategies. PepsiCo’s current positioning strategy depends on which current advertisement is seen by viewers.These commercials named â€Å"Summer Time is Pepsi Time† (product attribute), Dancing Santa (cultural symbol), Uncle Teddy (product competitor), and the â€Å"Refresh Project† (product user). Many types of advertising media exists, such as magazines, newspapers, e-zines, online newspapers, television, radio, Internet, cell phones, and others. PepsiCo uses every type of advertisement possible to reach its target audiences. PepsiCo also sponsors events, and has its name on Jeff Gordon’s car in NASCAR.At events PepsiCo allows vendors to promote their products through handing out free samples and memorabilia. Pepsi’s â€Å"Refresh Project† is only viewable from the Internet. This advertising campaign medium is thought to attract more serious consumers who may vote on a project or create one to obtain votes for PepsiCo to sponsor, to help build communities worldwide. PepsiCo is advertising Pepsi via newspapers, the Internet, television, and radio. PepsiCo also uses the cases these are in to advertise. For example, the new Pepsi 12 packs advertise for â€Å"The X Factor†, a new talent show.The changes one can make to the product positioning and the advertising message are to create messages that are as universal as the product. Pepsi products sell in more than 180 countries worldwide. The new â€Å"Summer Time is Pepsi Time† campaign ads are also very competitive with Coke-Cola commercials. The use of such ads is extremely dangerous to the company for consumers may begin to belie ve the company is desperate for consumers to purchase its products. Especially, because these commercials are the first for Pepsi in three years.Researching how these advertisements were created, one is led to believe that PepsiCo outsources its agencies. BBDO was the agency for PepsiCo since 1960. â€Å"The agency that has replaced BBDO is also owned by Omnicom. This is the office of TBWA/Chiat/Day, and is part of the TBWA Worldwide unit of Omnicom, Los Angeles† (Stuart, 2008). Creatives in charge of the â€Å"Summer Time is Pepsi Time† ads are Chief Creative Officer: Rob Schwartz, Group Creative Director: Brett Craig, Creative Director: Xanthe Hohalek, Art Director: Chris MacNeil, and Copywriter: Michelle Lewis, according to Emma Bazilian of Adweek.One may not believe that this would be an effective use of company resources because Pepsi has declared to refrain from advertising the product on television to avoid targeting a younger audience. For three years PepsiCo o pts for the Internet, events, sponsors, and in-store advertising as a means to promote its products instead and allow healthier choices to be advertised on television. Other than its competition, consumers are left to wonder what has made the product come back to television, and if there will be a Superbowl ad to look forward too.Consumers may agree after three years Pepsi should have come back to television using its greatest asset, its loyal consumers to promote the product. To make the campaign more effective the product could have entered back into the commercials using less competitive ads and focusing more on the consumers who already enjoy the product or through behavioral segmentation. The company should have declared to the press the reason for the sudden change of health consciousness with the decision to advertise on television, and its decision to use ads that will gain the attention of the younger generations that have been avoided in the past.This will also create a be tter understanding of consumer behaviors toward the product, without the influence of the suggestive ads, whether negative, or positive. Creating an advertisement that could be understood universally, without depicting the specific product would have been an excellent way for the product to enter back into commercials. Press releases, newspaper articles, e-articles and e-zines, and speeches are ways that PepsiCo could have announced its decision to begin making new commercials for the product. ConclusionUnderstanding the advertising message, target audience, consumer behavior, media sources, positioning, who creates the ad and why, are part of the advertising plan and lay out the actions necessary to carry out the ad successfully. Pepsi’s new† Summer Time is Pepsi Time† commercials are the first in three years to be advertised on television. The depiction of this can be relayed to the target audience’s without the use of its main competition. References Are ns, Weigold, & Arens (2008). Contemporary Advertising. McGraw-Hill. Retrieved August 23, 2011, from http://ecampus. phoenix. edu Bazilian, E. July 1, 2011) AdWeek. Ad of the Day: Pepsi â€Å"Coke lover Santa Claus goes rogue in the first new Pepsi spot in three years†. Retrieved August September 13, 2011, from http://www. adweek. com/news/advertising-branding/ad-day-pepsi-133128 Stuart, E. (Nov. , 18, 2008). NY Times. Pepsi Shifts to New Ad Agency. Retrieved September 12, 2011, from http://www. nytimes. com/2008/11/18/business/media/18adco. html Pepsi Commercials. Ads and More. Pepsi. com. Retrieved September 12, 2011, from, http://www. youtube. com/pepsi? utm_source=pepsi&utm_medium=banner&utm_content=panel&utm_campaign=refresh

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Importance of Computer in Schools Essay

Tara Dodrill began writing professionally in 1990. She is a travel writer and photographer working for print and online media, primarily covering Florida, ecotourism and off-the-beaten-path destinations. Her writing credits include RUMBUM, Yahoo News, Visit South magazine,and North Carolina Coastal Guide. She studied journalism and education at Ohio University and real estate at Hondros College. Computer classes in schools are important to a well-rounded education. Students are instructed on the basics of computer use as early as kindergarten. Educational software, often presented in a game-like format, entertains younger students while they learn key concepts. ? Technology Skills * The importance of computer study in schools goes beyond the reinforcement of classroom subjects and remedial assistance. Nearly all students will be faced with the need for technology skills when they attend college or enter the workforce. Keyboarding Classes * Keyboarding classes in elementary schools have replaced the old-fashioned typing classes once offered in high schools. Students learn at a young age how to use computers to generate reports, type essays and research homework assignments. * Career Preparation * Computer skills learned in middle school and high school will benefit students during higher education courses and their careers. Students as young as 12 learn how to create Power Point presentations, video projects and photo slideshows. Online Access * By learning how to use computers, students even in low-income areas have access to the world at large. Online learning courses, which were once a rarity at colleges, now comprise a large portion of many schools’ course catalogs. Adult Learners * Students who are introduced to computer courses at an early age adapt quickly to advances in technology, and typically do not fear additional training and new concepts as adult learners. Effect of Science and technology in our lives As what I understand about how Science and Technology affects our lives, That there are advantages and disadvantages. The Advantages are, it makes our lives simple by using equipment that can easily finish and do well the work or job. We can save more time and energy so that we can perform and do our other job. We can now easily communicate our love ones and relatives by using cellphone and internet, it can connect us even they are in the other part of the world and then with digital camera, we can see them just like they are in front of us. Technology now can give us more information about what are happening around the world that help us to get aware and prepare for disaster and calamity that might happen in our country or in our place. Science and Technology can cure our diseases, provide us shelter and foods for crowd people. Most of the people think that there are more advantages of science and technology as compare to the disadvantages. The major advantage of science and technology is that it has made our lives easier like invention of technology has decreased the manual work. The use of technology in agriculture has increased our productivity. Doing work at workplaces is easier because of invention of computers and notebooks. Development of technology in kitchens, beauty parlors, workplace, research labs and in all fields of life has become the necessity. Now we can study and understand our history,culture and society and by the help of Science and Technology we can share our stories of whats happening in our life, what we see and what we discover to by this way we can also help the children of the next generation. The major advantage of technology and science is to assist mankind in living well and more easily and in better health. There is also disadvantages on Science and Technology Many years comes our atmosphere slowly destroy because of the air pollution that came from the factory and it can cause Green House Effect (GHE) it is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gasses and is re-radiated in all directions. And it is harm for the people. Science and Technology make people lazy because people just depend on it and not do there work well. It will increased the anxiety of our lives, when technology goes in the wrong hand it can have an negative impact in our society it can create cyber crime, hacking, stealing of personal information and pornography websites. It also gives opportunities to the terrorist to make crime like bombing. As technology develops we forget our traditions style of living. it simply destroying our life styles. It also destroying our nature because of illegal logging, and mining and others, this is the cause of landslide and flood that can kill many people because nature cant stop it anymore.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

History of Anthropological Thought - Functionalism and Marxist Anthrop Essay

History of Anthropological Thought - Functionalism and Marxist Anthropology - Essay Example The word 'mangu' means 'witchcraft' and to some extent witchcraft and sorcery are alike. Both have general purposes, but their practices are different. Witchcraft was said to be a 'psychic power which often inherited, it can be activated if the owner became angry or jealous, and this power is normally unconscious as well as limited to those with the substance in their body. Sorcery is skill, which can be learnt by anyone and can be passed on through study. This skill also knows as "black magnetic" which can be defined as the evil use of medicines' (Evans-Pritchard, 1937, p.42). Both are used for destructive private ends against the lives and possessions of law-abiding people. The centre of this book is the three oracles of the Azande in Sudan. These being in the order of decreasing significance: the poison oracle, the termite oracle, and the rubbing board oracle. Amongst the Azande, witchcraft is viewed as the main hazard. They are sure that witchcraft can be inherited and that a person can be a mage, making others harm, without understanding her or his impact. Anthropologists have had the long disagreement concerning the nature and importance of beliefs in witchcraft and magic and, in particular, concerning the rationality of the witchcraft beliefs. Evans-Prichard underlines that they are rational since they are very utilitarian an, they are the mighty mechanism of the social top of a hierarchy. Evans-Pritchard provides a sociological model of such beliefs, he proves that they are what the chief needs to maintain submission and keep people in constant fear. That is the importance of such beliefs for the whole community; without them, the structure if the community itself will be destroyed, and a community would parish to the extent of values and culture. In addition, beliefs are important since they explain to them many things and give the image of the person who is 'omnipotent' and who can help in any trouble as well as make a great harm.           Ã‚  

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Macbeth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Macbeth - Essay Example Lady Macbeth is portrayed as a moral support for Macbeth in winning the throne. The novel, hence, involves the two extremely different sides of our society where one gender is the symbol of strong and stubborn desires and the other gender plays a tenderly and loving role. Lady Macbeth is sometimes seen as a positive force and influence on Macbeth but critics claim that she had negative desires, cruelty and brutality dwelling in. The varying and confusing character of lady Macbeth with specific reference to her husband’s influence on her actions form a debate which is discussed in this paper using the perspectives of different critics. The paper will discuss the traits of Shakespearean women in different novels and flow the discussion towards the character of Lady Macbeth. The negative traits of her character and the brutality found in her will be discussed with special reference to the expectations of that society of women. The counterclaims about Lady Macbeth in terms of the influence of Macbeth on her character will be discussed. This discussion will be supported by evidence from the research of critics and their arguments.